Reference Standard : Meet requirements given in USEPA 40 CFR Appendix L to Part 50

Particle Size : Omni-directional air inlet with PM 10 separation through an impactor Followed by PM 2.5 separations through a WINS Impactor

Sample : Dry Gas meter records the total air volume sampled

Suction Pump : Oil-free, Light weight pump which gives constant flow rate approx 50 LPM

Automatic Sampling : 24 hrs programmable timer to automatically shut off the system after pre set time interval

Power Requirement : Nominal 220 V, Single Phase, 50Hz AC mains supply

Size & Weight : 480 x 410 x 300, Approx 20 kg


The PMI 425 instrument is manual machine used for sampling of Fine particles (PM2.5) from Ambient air & based on impactor design as per USEPA, Ambient air enters through an omni-directional inlet designed to provide a clean aerodynamic cut-point for particles ‘greater than 10 microns. Particles in the air stream finer than 10 microns proceed to a second impactor that has an aerodynamic cut-point at 2.5 microns. The air sample ond fine particulates exiting from the PM 2.5 impactor are passed through a 47 mm diameter Teflon fiter membrane that retains the fine particulate matter.

‘The PMI 425 having customized specially made Rotameter which having 16.67 LPM indicated flow mark & with Dry Gas Meter to provide a direct measure of the total air volume sampled.light weight, sturdy Aluminium cabinet, more compact, can be carried in a Car trunk and is ideal for field use.


  • PM 10 and PM 2.5 Impactors of sampler based on designs standardized by US EPA

  • Customized Rotameter specially made for PM2.5 having 16.7 LPM flow indicating mark for easy visualization

  • Provision for Gaseous sampling

  • Compact & Modular design for Eazy operation

  • stturdy Aluminium cabinate with all Stainless steel Hardware