Handy air sampler, HS-1
Low Flow Air Sampler is an easy-to-carry around sampler for determining the concentration of toxins in ambient and workplace environments.
HS 1 is a compact, light weight battery operated sampler which is is designed for determination of toxic pollutants such as SO2, NO2, Cl2, NH3, H2S etc. in ambient and workplace environments. The sampler employs wet chemical methodology for sampling the air for toxic gas and other pollutants.
HS 1 system uses a small battery operated pump to draw air thorough a suitable absorption solution contained in an impinger. If necessary, 3 impingers can be used in series to monitor 3 gaseous pollutants. There is an additional provision to determine suspended particulates in the same exercise by using the open sampling head which takes 35mm diameter filters.
Rechargeable batteries have been used with sufficient storage to operate the system for 6 hours making it easier to compare